Lilong Lives

In booming urban China, the largest ever built shikumen lilong in Shanghai, Siwenli, has lasted over a century. Jérémy Cheval, PhD student of Tongji University and the School of Architecture of Paris Belleville, passionately recounts Siwenli's living legacy through its dynamic transformations up to the Fireflies gathering where 68 artists, painters, photographers, dancers, actors, poets... interacted with both the place and its inhabitants.


From Dong Siwenli to Kong Siwenli, the book, lavishly illustrated, gives us an account of the place from an architectural, social, literary and aesthetic viewpoint, including the precious testimonies of residents. It forces us to question the future of shikumen lilong.  


Lilong lives Vies d'un Lilong Shanghai 2015 Phil Akashi





Author: Jérémy Cheval
Edition: Les Xérographes
Collection: Explorations Urbaines
Size and number of pages: 21 X 16 CM - 267 pages
ISBN 978-2-917717-39-4
EAN - 9782917717394

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